Photo credits: https://www.instagram.com/jorgeignaciolastra/
The Achibueno River was the main reason why we decided to settle down and develop our cabins in Pejerrey. We arrived for the first time in 2014 and that same year our adventure here began.
Basic Information
In September 2015 the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Chile declared the river as Nature Sanctuary. The protected area includes the river channel, its riverbed, and the floodplains, as well as the adjoining riverbanks and slopes. The entire sanctuary encompasses an area of almost 4,600 hectares and includes the entire watershed (including glaciers, lakes , etc.). It is born in Achibueno Lake, and it ends in the Loncomilla River and it’s over 90 kilometers long.
What to do
The main attractions of the river are to dive into the cold and transparent water pools (especially during the summer), recreational fishing (trout), kayaking or rafting among other activities.
In October 2019 “Achibueno Kayak Fest” competition was organized for amateur and professional categories. The area has a wide range of accommodations, mostly in rural cabins and campsites.
The course of the river

Achibueno River is born in the Achibueno Lake in the eastern part of the volcano called Nevado de Longaví. The river continues and forms a waterfall in the sector called “Bajo de las Lástimas”. It circles the volcano, first to the north and then to the west and passes through several small towns or areas such as Pejerrey, Vado Azul, Monte Oscuro. During its course, it forms many deepwater pools with crystal clear waters, where it is ideal to cool off and swim. You can also find sandy beaches and other spots to enjoy the wonderful views and water.
The Achibueno river does not cross Linares and continues south of Linares. Later it crosses Route 5 and then ends as the largest tributary of the Loncomilla River. The Achibueno length is over 90 kilometers. The main tributary of the Achibueno River is the Ancoa River that enters the Achibueno near town Llepo. At one point, the Achibueno forms the division between the communes of Linares and Longaví.
How to get there
In order to visit the river, you need to get to Linares and then take the route L45 towards the mountains (precordillera). You will encounter the river from the kilometer 14 onwards. Keep on route L45 until you get to a place you decide to stay and enjoy the river. The most visited places are Pejerrey (km 31), Vado Azul (48), Monte Oscuro (km 60).